Cell Phone Policy 2024-2025

Yondr Student Policy _ Penrose ES_MS
Yondr Parent Letter _ Penrose ES_MS

Cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited inside the school. On August 26th, 2025, ALL students will receive and be responsible for a pouch to place their cell phones while they attend school. Once students receive their pouches, they will receive a tutorial on their usage of the pouches. Students must place their cell phones in their pouches before entering the building. Pouches must be unlocked at the end of the day as students dismiss the building. All calls home to parents or guardians can be made with permission from an adult using a landline.

If pouches are damaged or lost, students will be charged $22.00 for a replacement pouch. Failure to comply will result in restrictions on bringing a cell phone to school.

If a student is found possessing a phone, he/she will receive a more severe consequence followed by a parent conference and behavioral contract.

ANY student found using a cell phone during school hours will receive the following consequences:

–       1st Offense: Phone will be confiscated. The phone will be returned to the student at dismissal.

–       2nd Offense: Phone will be confiscated. Lunch Detention and Parent Meeting. The phone will be returned to a parent/guardian only.

*No earbuds, earphones, headphones, beats, pods, or chargers can be seen in the building. Failure to comply will result in items being confiscated and only returned to a parent.

Please be advised that Penrose School will not be liable for any item confiscated by school police or administration or lost or stolen. The school will not pay to replace any lost or stolen items.